They rock moy 2009.

Hello 2010, wah im fourteeennn laaa hahahaha. I want to talk about 2009, the year yg penuh ketakutkan dah kesedihan. Cewah sbb first masuk schl baru en, then dpt kwn baru new environment la gitu. Im still sad cecececeh. But still aku tak lupe kat kwn baik aku, Norsyahirah binti Rosli. I love you so much bebeh, org kata dia jahat tapi aku rasa dia baik sgt wee

Hahaha sukeee yaw kau letak nama kau kat blog ni takde sape baca pun weyy hahahaha. So yeah i hv a new bestie, Nur Khairunnisa binti Mohammad. She always there for me la kan, i really both of em. They rock my life bebeh.

So ya, masuk form1 dok hostel mana boleh kerek kan, sorry la kepada senior aku, aku bukan kerek. Aku takut seriously, takut sgt korang tak suka aku tapi aku try. Hish malang nasib aku kannnn. Tapi year 2009 aku ada byk ex, malas ah nak couple sorry laaa

Dormmates aku tahun 2009, mmg rock habis. Ah sayang sgt kat korang. Still ingat lagi outing jalan kaki jauh gilo balik pukul 8 then esok g schl tido setengah jam je hahaha. Syiokkkkk! Tgk susuk la, tu la anak kucing berak laa haih mcm mcm la. Tp mmg best gilo. I love em alot <3

Moy bestfriends yg terlalu byk sgt, takan la aku nak list sume en, aku syg korang. Thnks sgt sbb dengar masalah aku yg superb banyak, bagi aku gelak, bwk aku g sana sini, haih mmg hebat. Hope our friendship kekal okayyy?

Kepada yg kenal aku, sorry aku bukan mcm dulu dah. Yg menangis kalo ada org sakitkan hati aku, sorry la. Aku dah besar, life is a bitch so be careful. Korang tak tau sape lagi aku, okay? Move onnnnnnnnnn aimi! Goooo ahahaha

2009 is really a good damn year for me, i love love it. Goodbye 2009, hello 2010 <33

Abang sorry laaa

That one is for moy pet brother, C ala tak jumpe sim card celcom laaa, hilang kot or pape jelah. Sorry again haih -___________________-

Cun Saja!

Sleeq, cun saja. I love love loveee it <3>

Hey, I love you

Yang ni yang rapat ngan aku je hahahaha <3

Think about this mann

Lately, aku nmpk ada la 2 3 acc yg buat semata mata nk kutuk orang. Ckp org tu bohsia la, tayang pantat la, tu la ni la. Weh korang ni kenapa? Biar la kat diorang nak buat pape pun, dia tak kacau life korang pun kan? Ngeh. Kata org tu tak alim la, gemuk la, tyg gmbr lucah la, mcm mcm laa. Yg aku pantang tu, boleh pulak kata org tak layak jadi islam. Look, im nt trying to belagak alim la kan. Just cuba la korang pikiaq leklok noooo, hampa dok kutuk, dok ckp mcm mcm tu sedara hampa jugak. Sedara islam. Mmg bangang betoi hampa ni. Bak kata org putih, wasting my time. Seriously dude. Pikir balik, korang type sikit punye panjang la, kluaq mcm mcm tapi dpt apa? Dosa weh. Elok la sgt, dua dua pihak dpt dosa, sama rata. Korang kecut la weh, tak puas hati sgt pun, pegi la depan2, slow talk, ni tak. Buat acc, tulis tu la, ni la. Haih. Try to think matured. Biaq p kat depa. Dah Allah nk bagi depa mcm tu, nak buat lagu mana. Dorang lawa pun korang jealous, dorang famous pun korang jealous. Dorang nak tayang benda pun korang jealous, tak pueh hati apa? Biaq p laaa, hambik hampa kluaq suma loghat aku. Hahahaha. Nobody is perfect okay? Have a nice day fellas <3>

Laugh My Ass Off

Ada tak laki sanggup buat mcm ni? Hahaha seriously aku respect dorang wee

I Hate You

Its 6.32pm. Im bored. Freakin bored, baca-baca blog, lame stuff bak kata org hot. Yeah tetibe terasa nk update blog walaupun aku update it everyday hahaha. So sukahati aku lah. I spent my time about 30 mins thinking of this thing thats really makes me pissed off. Makin lama aku pikir, sakit la hati aku jugak. GEMOK.

Is it wrong kalau kita gemuk? I always see that org yg gemuk ni mcm takde confident in their self. Especially when kite keluar or meeting someone. Gah hello people, be confident in yourself. I admit that i am truly fats. But who cares? There's nothing you can do about it. Dah Allah nak bagi kau mcm tu, just terima jelah.

And yeah, masyarakat zaman sekarang, salah ke if kawan with smone yg fat and ugly? Nothings wrong rite? If dia nerd sgt pun, atleast try to friend with them and try to change them. Boleh apa. Atleast kite membantu and mendapat pahala, dlm islam mengatakan bahawa kita haruslah menolong antara satu sama lain. Fyi, kalau korang hot sgt pun, atleast try la kawan ngn diorang.

Boys especially. Kes ni mmg selalu berlaku kat banyak sekolah kan? Ejek mengejek. Trust me boys! Kalau korang ejek org tu, tu la yg korang akan dapat. Paham? Ngeh. Yeah, nmpk je org gemuk, mula la ejek. Weh korang just buang masa, dpt dosa. Tahu tak? Grr bengang aku. Aku tak kisah korang nak ckp apa. It just dah terbiasa buat korang kan. Try to think maturedlyyy. Korang ejek pun, korang dapat apa? Ilekkkk wehh. Haih tension aku.

This is my opinion. Bende ni dah lama dah aku pikir, sabar jelah. Okay? Have a nice day fellas.

Seeeeee you can look, how fat i am. Hahahaha.

Top 10 Fear & Un-fear

Top 10 Fear

  1. Allah swt
  2. Parents
  3. Result exam
  4. Tak dpt boyfriend -_-
  5. Takde duit
  6. Losing peoples that i loveee
  7. Dark places
  8. Nyanyuk
  9. Internet ditarik
  10. Study overseas *tapi itu yg aku nak

Top 10 Un-fear

  1. Ghostttt
  2. Meeting peoples
  3. My ex's
  4. Kena langgar
  5. Kahwin hahaha
  6. Koma
  7. Drugs
  8. Ppppartyy
  9. Tinggal kat rumah sensorang -_-
  10. Shopping till duit takdeee <3

Nur Khairunnisa

I want to talk about this girl. So meet my new bestfriend in my new sucks school. Haha. I love her alot. I mean alot. I admit that she is very beautiful and I am freaking jealous of her. But she is nice girl, very nice girl. I love being with her. I hope she feel same way too. I am happy when she is happy. I know that I always sakitkan hati dia, but im so sorry sayang. I didnt mean too. I want to tell you that I freakin effin love her mannn! So back off! Hahahahahaha*evil laugh.


Okay this is the time. Haha. My 3rd time doin blog. Im here just for fun. This blog is just like my diary online mcm tu lah. So have a nice day fellas!