I Hate You

Its 6.32pm. Im bored. Freakin bored, baca-baca blog, lame stuff bak kata org hot. Yeah tetibe terasa nk update blog walaupun aku update it everyday hahaha. So sukahati aku lah. I spent my time about 30 mins thinking of this thing thats really makes me pissed off. Makin lama aku pikir, sakit la hati aku jugak. GEMOK.

Is it wrong kalau kita gemuk? I always see that org yg gemuk ni mcm takde confident in their self. Especially when kite keluar or meeting someone. Gah hello people, be confident in yourself. I admit that i am truly fats. But who cares? There's nothing you can do about it. Dah Allah nak bagi kau mcm tu, just terima jelah.

And yeah, masyarakat zaman sekarang, salah ke if kawan with smone yg fat and ugly? Nothings wrong rite? If dia nerd sgt pun, atleast try to friend with them and try to change them. Boleh apa. Atleast kite membantu and mendapat pahala, dlm islam mengatakan bahawa kita haruslah menolong antara satu sama lain. Fyi, kalau korang hot sgt pun, atleast try la kawan ngn diorang.

Boys especially. Kes ni mmg selalu berlaku kat banyak sekolah kan? Ejek mengejek. Trust me boys! Kalau korang ejek org tu, tu la yg korang akan dapat. Paham? Ngeh. Yeah, nmpk je org gemuk, mula la ejek. Weh korang just buang masa, dpt dosa. Tahu tak? Grr bengang aku. Aku tak kisah korang nak ckp apa. It just dah terbiasa buat korang kan. Try to think maturedlyyy. Korang ejek pun, korang dapat apa? Ilekkkk wehh. Haih tension aku.

This is my opinion. Bende ni dah lama dah aku pikir, sabar jelah. Okay? Have a nice day fellas.

Seeeeee you can look, how fat i am. Hahahaha.


  1. no you are not fat....but tulang rangka u tuh yang besar....but i can accept your opinion...memang btul laki2 suker mengejek but trust me babe....thats not my type....okey..and finally i berjaya bukak blog u hehehehe....jangan mareh...:)...SYAZIL

  2. heyy, i chubby jgk tp i ada confident lahh! hehe :P benda nya sng je utk org2 'comel' mcm ni, peduli je org nk ckp apa. then perbaiki ur closet! pakai smthg yg btl2 sesuai dgn kita, to raise up our confidence! fashion and confidence are really dependent, they need each other :D
