This week

Hello and Mello, im back to the earth. I mean my own earth which is my bed. Im here in my bed, so malas nk pegi mandi. Grrr. Last week, i turun schl around 11.30 p.m. Malam okayyyy until 4 am baru balik cause ada prog krk form1. This is my first time jln kat schl without torchlight tgh mlm. Okay thats cool. Im sorry kat keun, hanis and narissa cause tk inform korang. That was in last week, this week on friday. Hahaha. Ponteng kelas PJK, AGAIN I REPEAT PENDIDIKAN JASMANI & KESIHATAN. Then cikgu nk jumpe, dinie and keun dah cuak. alamakkk doh, tk best ah mcm ni. haiyak. Cikgu ckp nk bg nama kat pk koko la and whatsoever. Grr. Then dia tulis pulak kt buku pemantauan. Mmg terbaik. Ketua kelas buat mcm ni? U shud respect me okayyyyyyyyy?! Hahahahaha WTF. Dah malas nk gtau. Next week is my camp. Again tak mandi, coooooooooool. One thing, i just want justice for aminulrasyid. Okie? thats all.

Lots of love,